Our own ESG strategy
Our business only supplies digital products and AI powered services to the market, and therefore has a very low operational climate footprint.
Operational goals
In addition, the company has also introduced guidelines to further reduce its physical operations.
- Client meetings should, as a general rule, be held digitally
- Intercompany work meetings should always be held digitally
- Physical travel should be reduced to a minimum
- Physical deliveries and processes should be limited to a minimum
- The company is developing a 100% cloud-based delivery model

Risk focus
- Risk of corruption and bribery
- Risk of political and reputation-related events
- Risk of violation of gender equality, including equal pay for work of equal value
- Risk of violation of the right to social security
- Risk of violation of the right to freedom of association and to organize
- Risk of violation of safe working conditions, health, environment and safety in the workplace
- Risk of unsatisfactory diversity in the business
- Risk of discrimination on any basis
Due diligence risk assessments are carried out on a small number of suppliers. The company uses its own system to uncover risks in the value chain. Digital case files are set up for all high-risk conditions that are continuously discovered. The work on risk-reducing measures and supplier priorities will be documented in this Archive.
The company also follows up on all internal matters related to labor and human rights, equality and diversity, HSE and the development of its own employees. Internal risk conditions that are discovered will be documented and managed by the HR department.